
Free Copy for Founders

Learn the key to growing your business.

Master the numbers that control your business, with this acclaimed (and jargon-free) book by James Vanreusel.

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    “James helped me make sense of what I needed to know and explained everything in a language that I understood. Before, I used to make decisions at best on guesswork but mainly on a wing and a prayer. James allowed me to get the knowledge that enables me to use these key reports to make winning decisions.?

    Steve Matthews


    Inside "The Number One Key" you will learn
    WHy Knowing your numbers Can Transform Your Business into a Money Making Machine!

    If you’re like the typical business owner, you have what it takes to execute your business plan. You work like crazy to get sales so you can meet your expenses for next month. And you may even find a little time to do some future planning where you can create an exciting vision for your business.
    The problem is there’s one aspect of business that gets very little attention. It’s having complete understanding of the numbers that drive your business. Knowing your numbers is what helps manage successful business ventures in the long haul.
    The bottom line is this: you need to know where the money is coming in and going out of your business. Doing this right could mean making more profit by tweaking your overheads and costs instead of focusing on marketing and acquisition.

    Your Free Book topics like:

    Reading between the numbers. What’s the hidden story, and how do you find it in your balance sheet?

    “Delegate, but don’t abdicate”. How to step back from finance, without losing control of the numbers.

    Laying foundations for growth. Creating a sound financial system that you can scale with ease, and replicate as you expand.

    How to plan your spend and resources around the money that’s flowing in and out of the business.

    Extending your Cash Runway by tightening your spending controls and building more accurate forecasts.

    How to find investors and secure their capital…then keep them on side, even if numbers are disappointing.

    The top 5 metrics that drive your business, 80/20 style. How to spot them, and use them to make smart decisions.

    “Can you afford this sale?” – 4 questions to save you taking on work that pushes you over the edge.

    Sanity-checks and calculations to make sure your accountant or CFO has drawn the right conclusions.

    How to manage debt and get paid faster: the “Vintage Table” that keeps you on top of creditors.

    To co-found or go it alone? How to decide, and create a simple Equity Ownership Structure.

    Stock Options – offering future equity to staff. (A great way to get your whole team pulling in one direction.)

    Budgeting: have you suddenly outgrown your old methods? Find out how budgets change, and the 4 “box-ticking” errors to avoid.